
The following Commissions are an opportunity for members to get more involved with assisting in the management of the Society and helping to forward its mission, whether it be volunteering for an info session, a few months of planning for the Economic & Investments Forecast Dinner or providing social and networking opportunities year-round. If you are interested in participating in a Commission, please contact the chair listed below. If no email is available, please email 

Ambassador Program
Chair: Jeff Kuhlman, CFA

  • The Ambassador Program is comprised of active CFA Society Los Angeles leaders and members—Ambassadors—who will become key allies in raising awareness of the Society and the value it delivers to members. Additionally, Ambassadors will help inform their respective firms about Society events, programs, continuing professional development, thought leadership, and other activities. Ambassadors will also help shape the voice of the Society within the context of their firms and help both the Society and CFA Institute more effectively navigate members' firms in ways that are mutually beneficial.

Advocacy and Ethics
Chair: Scott Laudeman, CFA
Co-Chair: Patrick George, CFA

  • Advocate for the investment industry and for the CFA credential to investors, regulators and the media.
  • Promote the highest ethical behavior among investment professionals.
  • Support fair and transparent financial markets and practices and protect the interests of investors.
  • • Curate and provide content from a variety of sources that can help members elevate their standards of ethical practice. Advocacy & Ethics Reading Resource List.

Annual Meeting

  • Researches venue locations to hold the Annual CFALA Meeting of the Members
  • The Chair presents to the Board the location findings for consideration that are within budget
  • Once a location is approved, the commission works within the budget to arrange dinner details which may include, but are not limited to, menu selection, entertainment, floral arrangements and dinner favors
  • Participation in this commission begins approximately January of each year and ends at the close of the Annual meeting around July

Audit & Accounting
Chair: David Asem, CFA

  • Acts as a liaison with the accounting profession and conducts periodic searches for accounting firms to conduct the Society’s annual audit
  • Members of the commission submit and review Requests for Proposal for auditing services and make recommendations for future audit firms to the Board of Governors
  • Members of the audit commission may be asked to attend one board meeting a year.

Career Mentor Program
Co-Chair: Roxanne Cheng, CFA
Co-Chair: Michael Koop, CFA

  • CFA Society Los Angeles members with ten or more years of experience are eligible to volunteer as mentors in CFA Society of Los Angeles’ Career Mentorship Program. The program pairs volunteer mentors with mentees who apply to the program for a one-year commitment. Since mentors are only assigned a single mentee, the application process for mentees is highly competitive because of the large discrepancy between mentor and mentee applicants. The Career Mentorship Program Co-Chairs conduct a thorough and diligent matching process that is based on the respective applica¬tions to ensure that each program pair experiences a rewarding and productive mentor/mentee relationship. Applications are accepted during the summer until the deadline to submit. Once the Co-Chairs finish the matching process, the Career Mentorship Program officially kicks off with a meet and greet social in September.

CFA Charter Recognition
Chair: Alicia Romo, CFA

  • Makes arrangements and plans publicity for the CFA Recognition Charter Event
  • Research venue locations
  • The Chair works with the administrative staff to select a location
  • Once a location is reserved, the commission then works within the budget to arrange the luncheon details which may include, but are not limited to, letters of invitation, menu selection, floral arrangements, Charterholder gifts, media announcements, and the receipt, wrapping and presentation of the Charters
  • Participation begins approximately August of each year and ends at the close of the Charter Recognition Event, which takes place around November

Community Outreach
Chair: Jitendra Motwani, CFA

  • Each year this commission engages in community outreach projects to benefit those in need in the Los Angeles area. Past projects have benefited homeless shelters, food banks (stock the pantry), beach cleanups, and have benefited non-profits like Junior Achievement and CCEE.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Chair: Mariya Entina, CFA

  • The DEI Commission is to promote a welcoming environment by encouraging cooperation, tolerance, and respect among those working and participating in the investment industry; to provide information, education, and communication that facilitates understanding and celebrates everyone’s differences; and to advise CFA Society Los Angeles in ways that unite the community and ensure all are equally respected, valued, and needed.

Economic & Investments Forecast Dinner
Chair: Tyler Furek, CFA 

  • Organizes and schedules the annual Economic and Investments Forecast Dinner
  • Commission duties include soliciting speakers, procuring sponsors, proofing the program and arranging publicity and press releases
  • Participation begins in August and normally ends in January after the Forecast Dinner

Chair: Steven Wang, CFA

  • Assists in advising the Board of Governors in the management of investment actions and consider other financial matters as necessary
  • The powers and duties of the commission are separate and distinct from those that are already delegated to the Audit and Accounting Committee
  • Oversight of the investment policy statement
  • A standing commission of the Society, the positions of Chair and Vice-chair are held by the current Treasurer and Secretary
  • Members are appointed and approved by the President
  • Participation is for renewable terms of one year beginning September 1 and ending August 31
  • Provides periodic reviews of the Society’s investments to ensure compliance with the investment policy
  • Recommended changes of allocations are presented to the Board by the Chair

Chair: Dan Pomerantz, CFA

  • The responsibilities of the Governance Commission include, but are not limited to, reviewing the governance documents of the Corporation, (including the Bylaws), and making recommendations to the Board as to changes therein and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

Chair: Henray Cohen, CFA

  • Performs a monthly review of membership applications and provides a report to the Board of Governors of the new member applicants and changes in the status of current members.
  • Should be available to speak with CFALA’s Advisory Councils and Commissions' applicants that may require special consideration prior to submitting their application to CFA Institute and answer general questions regarding membership in the Society.
  • Propose membership recruiting and retention programs and monitor membership trends<./li>
  • Participation requires monthly review of pending applications.
  • Responsibilities are ongoing and the position is for renewable terms of one year.

Member & Public Awareness
Chair: David Garza, CFA

  • Responsible for the continued communication of Society happenings and events to the members and the general public via CFALA's E-Newsletter, press releases and social media
  • Members may be asked to be available and commit more time to promote the Society’s larger events which occur quarterly, such as the Economic Forecast Dinner, CFA Charter Recognition Event, the Annual Meeting of the Members and PORTFOLIO
  • Excellent writing skills are necessary and media experience is a plus
  • Participation is year round and for renewable terms of one year

Co-Chair: Thomas Derse, CFA
Co-Chair: Stuart Fujiyama, CFA

  • Creates a bi-monthly publication with stories about noteworthy society activities and events including curated content that would be of interest to members
  • Facilitates guest articles by members, book reviews, and other items of interest to CFALA members.
  • Participation is typically an annual commitment but members may contribute a story suggestion or write an article on a one-off basis.

Chair: Alicia Romo, CFA

  • The Nomination Commission is a standing commission and is chaired by the most current past President of the Society. The commission is appointed by the current president. The commission identifies and nominates to the Board of Governors members of the Society for consideration as officers and Governors of the Society. It also identifies potential nominees to CFA Institute positions and committees and nominates potential annual award recipients.

Chair: Pete Stutz, CFA 

  • Organizes and schedules the annual PORTFOLIO Conference.
  • Commission duties include soliciting speakers, procuring sponsors, proofing the agenda and arranging publicity.
  • Participation begins in August and normally ends in May after the PORTFOLIO Conference.

Social and Networking
Co-Chair: Michael Treidl, CFA
Co-Chair: Kevin Duong

  • Plans periodic social activities for members and their guests
  • Researches venues for events to which members may attend in a friendly social environment
  • Responsible for providing recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer and submitting a budget for review
  • Arrange the logistics and publicity for the event
  • Participation is ongoing and may require several hours of planning time per event/li>
  • On-site participation may be required

University Relations
Chair: Steven Wang, CFA
Co-Chair: Geoff Scheider
Co-Chair: Elaine Zhang, CFA

  • Coordinates the Annual CFA Institute Research Challenge in Los Angeles comprised  of university teams of three to five students who are mentored by industry professionals in writing an equity research report on a publicly traded company
  • Build partnerships between universities, the financial industry, and CFA Society Los Angeles.
  • Help students gain an understanding of the CFA Program and CFA Society Los Angeles resources.
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