An Intimate Chat With Monica Erickson
A Women's Member Community sponsored event
The CFA Society Los Angeles Women’s Member Community is kicking off a new monthly series called “An Intimate Chat”. Each month we will host an event in an intimate setting featuring a successful, engaging local woman who has an interesting story to tell and valuable advice to share. Attendance will be limited to allow all participants to engage in active dialogue.
The events will rotate locations across the LA area and times will vary between lunch, early coffee and evenings to help accommodate our membership’s diverse locations and schedules.
The Inaugural event is scheduled for October 17th, 5:30pm at the offices of DoubleLine. Please register early to join us for An Intimate Chat with Monica Erickson, CFA, as space is limited.
If you haven’t joined the Women’s Member Community (MC) and want to keep up to date with the goings on of the community please consider joining the LinkedIn group called ‘CFALA Women’s Group’.
Monica Erickson, CFA | Monica Erickson joined DoubleLine’s Global Developed Credit group in 2009. She is head of investment grade within the group and participates in DoubleLine’s Fixed Income Asset Allocation committee. Prior to DoubleLine, Ms. Erickson was a Vice President in the Corporate Bond group at TCW where she was involved in the management of the Firm’s corporate credit fixed income and structured products. Prior to TCW, she was a Vice President at Froley, Revy Investment Company for over fifteen years, active in managing several convertible strategies. Ms. Erickson graduated from the University of Southern California, summa cum laude, with a BS in Business. She is a CFA charter holder, a past board member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles, and the current chair of the Charter Recognition committee for the CFA Society of Los Angeles.
The CFA Society Los Angeles Women’s Member Community is kicking off a new monthly series called “An Intimate Chat”. Each month we will host an event in an intimate setting featuring a successful, engaging local woman who has an interesting story to tell and valuable advice to share. Attendance will be limited to allow all participants to engage in active dialogue.
The events will rotate locations across the LA area and times will vary between lunch, early coffee and evenings to help accommodate our membership’s diverse locations and schedules.
The Inaugural event is scheduled for October 17th, 5:30pm at the offices of DoubleLine. Please register early to join us for An Intimate Chat with Monica Erickson, CFA, as space is limited.
If you haven’t joined the Women’s Member Community (MC) and want to keep up to date with the goings on of the community please consider joining the LinkedIn group called ‘CFALA Women’s Group’.

Registration Fees This Event Has Sold Out. Next in the Intimate Chat series: |
Parking Information
Guests will receive validated parking in DoubleLine's building - The Wells Fargo North Tower. 300 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, CA 90071 is the street address for the parking garage.
Building access: DoubleLine is located in the Wells Fargo North tower building. Guests will need to check in with the security desk in the lobby and present a photo ID. Guests should tell security that they are here for DoubleLine, and that they need to get to the 18th floor, and security will send them up.
Guests will receive validated parking in DoubleLine's building - The Wells Fargo North Tower. 300 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, CA 90071 is the street address for the parking garage.
Building access: DoubleLine is located in the Wells Fargo North tower building. Guests will need to check in with the security desk in the lobby and present a photo ID. Guests should tell security that they are here for DoubleLine, and that they need to get to the 18th floor, and security will send them up.
Payment Information
We accept the following:

If you prefer to pay by check please email and request to pay by check. Your registration will be completed manually and you will receive an email confirmation.
We accept the following:

If you prefer to pay by check please email and request to pay by check. Your registration will be completed manually and you will receive an email confirmation.
Mail check to:
CFA Society of Los Angeles, 520 S. Grand Ave, Suite 655, Los Angeles CA 90071.
*Credit card payments will only be accepted through the secure online registration, and not by phone or email.
Cancellations must be received in writing by 9:00 am the day prior to the event to receive a refund. No phone cancellations are accepted. Please fax to the CFALA office at (213) 613-1233 or e-mail Member “no-shows” will be billed the difference between the member fee and the non-member fee for the event which is posted on the CFALA website.
Cancellations must be received in writing by 9:00 am the day prior to the event to receive a refund. No phone cancellations are accepted. Please fax to the CFALA office at (213) 613-1233 or e-mail Member “no-shows” will be billed the difference between the member fee and the non-member fee for the event which is posted on the CFALA website.
Susan Drozdowski
Arielle Bittoni, CFA