01-09-2025 Professional Development Webinar- Building Career Security After Fifty

Thursday, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 
Location: Zoom Meeting
Speaker: SPEAKER
Robert Hellmann — President, Hellmann Career Consulting
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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A CFA Society Los Angeles, CFA Society Atlanta, CFA Society Baltimore, CFA Society Minnesota, CFA Society North Carolina, CFA Society Philadelphia, CFA Society Pittsburgh, and CFA Society Washington, DC Sponsored Event

A new data analysis by ProPublica and the Urban Institute shows more than half of older U.S. workers are pushed out of longtime jobs before they choose to retire, suffering financial damage that is often irreversible.

The study indicates that for those over 50 and gainfully employed, you have a 56% chance that you'll be let go before you're ready to retire, risking substantial income loss. This result underscores that most seasoned professionals/executives are essentially consultants with no real job security despite their titles.

Join career expert Rob Hellman for a powerful webinar that provides tips and best practices on building job security in your career.

Registration is free of charge for CFA Society Members.


Robert Hellmann | Robert Hellmann, President of Hellmann Career Consulting, has helped over 1,000 individuals to achieve career success and dozens of organizations to improve effectiveness via executive coaching, workshops, and outplacement services. As a career coach and executive coach, Rob helps clients to define and achieve their career and job-search goals, develop as managers and leaders, and navigate challenging work situations. He combines a warm, empowering style with a pragmatic, bottom-line focus that gets results. Rob is a sought-after speaker, and has delivered hundreds of seminars, workshops and keynote speeches to corporations, institutions of higher-education, professional associations, government agencies and non-profits. The graduate business schools of both Columbia University and Cornell University include Rob in their highly selective list of coaches they recommended to alumni. Rob is a regular contributor to Forbes. His insights have also appeared in media outlets such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, CBS News, ABC News, NBC News, CNNMoney, WPIX News, Consumer Reports, and Glassdoor.com.Back To Top ^^

CFA Society Los Angeles has determined that this program qualifies for 1 PL credit hours, under the guidelines of the CFA Institute Professional Learning program. If you are a CFA Institute member and a CFA Society Los Angeles Member, PL credit for your participation in this program will be automatically recorded in your PL tracking tool.

Registration Fees
Free (Members) | $35 (Non-Members)

Registration is now CLOSED

Payment Information
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If you prefer to pay by check please email info@cfala.org and request to pay by check. Your registration will be completed manually and you will receive an email confirmation.

Mail Check To:

CFA Society of Los Angeles
13400 Riverside Drive, Ste. 215
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

*Credit card payments will only be accepted through the secure online registration, and not by phone or email.

Cancellations must be received in writing by 9:00 am the day prior to the event to receive a refund. No phone cancellations are accepted. Please fax to the CFALA office at (213) 613-1233 or e-mail info@cfala.org. Member “no-shows” will be billed the difference between the member fee and the non-member fee for the event which is posted on the CFALA website.
Roberto Hamilton, CFA
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